Friday, September 11, 2009

Looking for Leather


I'm running out of leather! That's right, no leather, no shoes. Yeah... bummer.
So, I had this idea.....

Send me a leather coat and I'll send you a custom pair of soft soled children's shoes.
I keep the leather, you keep the shoes.

Any Takers?

If interested e-mail me at , or send me a message at Facebook and I'll give you my mailing address.

Then, go outline your kids foot. Have them stand on a piece of paper and trace around their foot.

If you have a measuring tape, measure the top of their foot at the widest width (from the ground, across and over, to the ground again) and length, from the big toe to the front of the ankle.

Add Child's name and address, age, standard shoe size and any info about colors, embellishments... flowers or pirates, hearts or horses, fleece or denim...

You can go purchase iron-on's of your choice, (Jo-Anne Fabrics, Michaels... Truckers Union) and mail them to me if you are so inclined. It's pretty fun to pick them out!

If you don't give me this info, then I'll have to bug you about it. Unless, of course you like getting e-mails from me, and then responding to them..... which is kinda fun, I know.

wink, wink... nudge, nudge.

Anna Banana


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